The Labyrinth of Love:

Attachment theory through a mythic lens

The Labyrinth of Love is a project conceived by Boe Huntress and Rainer Baumorr to reckon with the maze our modern context forces us to confront as we seek belonging, connectedness, and love.

This project includes workshops, storytellings, and in-depth intensive, coming soon.

The Labyrinth of Love In-depth Intensive will be held over three months and incorporates Jungian Group therapy, practices of animacy, and mythic contemplation to address our culture’s frames for love and relationship.

We will explore the psychological model of attachment theory, discovering both its usefulness, as well as its limitations. We will enter our relational wounds, allowing them to become wombs of transformation, as we move into deeper alignment with the innate gifts we’re here to give. We’ll apprentice ourselves to myths, which broaden our conception of love’s role in our lives. 

We will make space for all our very human responses to heartbreak and rupture, viewing these things as initiatory catalysts. What are we being initiated into? Through story and practices of animacy we’ll unchain and leverage the imagination, as a bridge between our current experience and our deepest longings to be seen and belong

A course has been charted toward a more holistic perspective of love and its place in human (and non-human) life – a divine revelation that points the way toward an experience that transcends human pair-bonding as the fulfilment of all our needs and desires. Journey with us into the initiatory corridor that is the Labyrinth of Love. 


What you’ll get:

  • Weekly content

  • Regular live calls

  • Jungian Group therapy

  • Story-tellings

  • Somatic Practices

  • Companions on the journey

  • Two experienced guides


This is for you if:

  • You’re making sense of painful relationship experiences that you’ve had

  • You would like to chart your way into something different

  • You’re in some kind of ‘descent to soul’ experience

  • You’d like support on the journey

  • You’re looking for a container, some context & gentle guidance

  • You’re a lover of love, myth, beauty, symbols and imagination

The underlying approaches to this course are:

  • Non-binary thinking / Holding Paradox

  • Curiosity and nuance

  • Courting sensational experiences

  • Experiential and intuitive learning

  • Community and inter-being

  • A devotional way of being


Module One

This will be a closed container (the same group for the whole 3 months). Places are limited to keep this work intimate and with space for all participants to fully engage.

Module Two will be a continuation and will follow for the following three months, for which there will be a separate sign up. We encourage you to continue if you’d like to. The group will open at that point for people to leave and to join. Similarly Module Three will run for three months afterwards, completing this potentially nine month journey. Each module will also be complete in and of itself, and it’s up to each participant how much of this journey they’d like to join us for.

About the facilitators:

Boe and Rainer weave a robust tapestry of scientific findings, lived experience, archetypal understanding, and psychological/somatic education. We’ve each spent extensive time in apprentice style and more conventional educational models, but it is our direct experiential relationship with myth which animates this body of work.

About Rainer Baumorr:

Rainer is a bard, somatic practitioner, and mythologist.

He works with myth as medicine for these uncertain times, turning to them with reverence and curiosity about their many-layered teahings. His recent work has included an expansive telling of the story of Orpheus, ongoing development of a course exploring myths of soul initiation, love, and relationship, and a book which takes a mythic look at the film franchise known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

More about Rainer on his website here.

About Boe Huntress:

Boe is the creator of a number of immersive shows including Medusa, an epic re-telling of the ancient myth performed at Union Chapel, London, where she was the Artist in Residence for five years.

Boe has a diploma in Group Analysis, and has facilitated groups for over ten years. She’s also a musician and is currently undertaking a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing.


Manifest Group

