For a short period of time you’ll be able to purchase a recorded version of this course for only £40.
This course is normally live only. Please note, the recording is of a live group. If you would like to buy the recorded version (a requirement if you want to join the Commitment to Self Group) you can do so here:
If you would like to join a live course please email me to go on the waiting list: boehuntress@gmail.com
How much time are you losing to your phone?
For the average person it’s four hours a day. That’s 61 days a year. Enough time to write that book, travel, or do any of the other things you’ve always wanted to do.
Reclaim the sovereignty of your life HERE and NOW!
Is this a path you can afford NOT to take?
There’s a different kind of life on the other side of screen addiction. Changing your relationship with screens creates more time, and a deeper, happier sense of wellbeing.
But it's increasingly difficult to have a healthy relationship with screens and social media.
Neuroscientists claim that screens produce the same neural circuitry as other addictive substances. They are changing the way our brains work, the length of our attention span, and our general productivity and creativity. The documentary, The Social Dilemma shows how social media creators are manipulating our human weaknesses for consumerist ends. Rather than serving us or improving our lives, it's making us unhappy and unwell.
New course starting in January 202
This isn't your fault, or a personal weakness, it's happening for all of us.
So how do we negotiate a healthy relationship with our screens? Is it all or nothing?
In this course you will be supported to have your devices serve you, and not the other way around.
There is currently nothing else on offer like this course. It’s taught live, with a supportive community attached.
In this group we will:
Assess what our screen addiction looks like and how it affects us.
Have a deeper look at what our screen addictions may be covering up.
Explore what our ideal relationship to screens looks and feels like.
Commit to certain agreed healthy habits.
Identify what our soul life is calling for and how to move towards it.
According to research, incentives and accountability are the two factors that effectively help people achieve desired behaviour change, and that’s exactly what we’ll give you.
Almost all support options in this field are individualised e.g. self-guided courses, books, online resources, leaving you alone with one of the hardest and most normalised addictions out there.
Structure of the group:
~ We will meet every week for 4 weeks on Zoom.
~ There will be a weekly check-in and a buddy system.
~ During the call we will be journaling, sharing and supporting each other
You’re four weeks away from being free of your screen addiction!
No Live Dates Currently
Sliding scale £55-110 total for four sessions.
Annual income of 30K+ per year (£18.15 per hour of class)
Annual income of over 10K - 30K per year (£14.15 per hour of class)
Unemployed / low income of less than 10K per year (£9.15 per hour of class)
If funds are a barrier to attendance then please get in touch: boehuntress@gmail.com
About the facilitator:
I know how you feel.
I felt the same way.
Let me show you what I found.
My name is Boe Huntress, I’ve been a facilitator of groups for over ten years and have a diploma in Group Analysis (a form of group therapy).
I’m also a musician and was the ‘Artist in Residence’ at Union Chapel, London for five years. I began to notice how much my screen use was affecting my creativity and I set about to change it, experimenting on myself.
I now feel free of screen addiction and would like to help you do the same.
Feedback from previous Screen Addiction Courses with Boe (100% Five Star Rating!)
This course was more than I could have hoped for, wise in its simplicity and something about Boe just had me taking the steps gently and easily. It's a holistic and kind approach to an addiction many of us are challenged by, being able to talk openly with others who felt similarly really helped everything click into place on this journey towards using my phone rather than it using me.” Jezebel
”Boe was a fantastic course leader. I felt heard and accepted in the group and it was so good just to know that other people are going through the same or similar struggles with screen addictions. I have been inspired to make changes in my life and I can highly recommend it to anyone who wants to wrench back control of their life from the dominance of screens” Laura H.
This was a hugely insightful and multi-layered course that supported me in both seeing, understanding and reflecting my patterns and habits with mobile phone use as well as bring the learnings into practice and establish new habits.” Anonymous
“Boe is a wonderful, kind and experienced facilitator, I walked away with a lot of really practical tips and techniques, which I was tangibly able to put into practice. 100% recommend.” Jennifer M
Great course. Helped me to start reducing my phone time and engage with underlying patterns. I came away with so many practical ideas on how to manage my devices in a more empowering way. The benefits will be long lasting.” James F
This is deeper work than I imagined and well worth it. I cannot recommend it enough and Boe is wonderful!” Lucy N
Thought-provocative, insightful, with plenty of practical ideas and suggestions. Well deserving of five stars, and highly recommended” Graham P
Feedback from other events with Boe:
"Boe is a one in a million facilitator"
"Being in this group has been a powerful, transformative experience. I’ve always felt in safe hands, in complete trust and able to grow each time."
"I feel blessed beyond words to have found this group. It can be SO hard to find the space to explore and meet one's spiritual needs in modern every day life, and what has been grown here is exceptional and unique. I have deep gratitude to Boe for providing this much needed and very rare space.”
"To say that this group has been a life-changing experience would actually be an understatement. It has given me the most incredible support network, lifeline in hard times, and a sacred connection to others."
"This circle has single-handedly saved me from depression, by giving me life long tools. It has deeply empowered me, meaning I can overcome insecurity and fear in order to help others and make a positive impact on this planet. I have come from being lost, insecure and afraid, to feeling open to the world and excited by its possibilities."
"It's hard to pry apart all of the incredibly positive ways this experience has affected my life. It's given me tools, and I feel firmly on a journey inwards which is broadening and opening up my outward perspectives. I think this has been the best thing I've ever done."
“Attending Boe's group has enabled me to find my spiritual core. It has changed my relationship with myself and with the world, and enabled me to live from a more authentic and loving place."